Zubie Appoints Gary Tucker as CEO

Feb. 9, 2017
Tucker most recently served as CEO for DealerRater and senior executive for J.D. Power & Associates.

Feb. 9, 2017—Zubie, a connected-car platform and telematics provider, named veteran automotive industry leader Gary Tucker as chief executive officer. 

Tucker most recently served as CEO for DealerRater where he guided the company's growth and led a founder transition resulting in a successful exit for investors as DealerRater was acquired by Cars.com in August of last year. Prior to that, Tucker was a senior executive with J.D. Power & Associates for 12-plus years. During his tenure there he held several roles including senior vice president, global management and marketing, a position in which he established the company's first product and strategic marketing organization. He also was instrumental in the global growth of the services sector for J.D. Power and previously led its automotive client services team. His deep knowledge of the industry is also aided by having held senior roles with an OEM and an auto retailer. Tucker takes over for interim CEO, Prag Shah, who will continue in his role of chief operating officer. Tucker will be located in Zubie's Minneapolis headquarters.

"I am excited to join a company with a strong reputation for growth and innovation in the telematics sector," said Tucker. "Zubie is on a trajectory to deliver the full value of a connected car to auto manufacturers, auto dealers, insurance carriers, fleet customers and consumers. The future is very bright for Zubie."

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