Gene Morrill Joins Elite as Business Development Coach

Feb. 23, 2017

The past Ratchet+Wrench feature subject will utilize his 32 years of experience to provide one-on-one guidance to shop owners throughout the U.S.

Feb. 23, 2017—Gene Morrill, owner of Certified Automotive Specialists in Glendora, Calif., has joined Elite as its newest business development coach.

In his new role, Morrill—a past feature subject in Ratchet+Wrench—will utilize his 32 years of experience to provide one-on-one business building guidance to current shop owners throughout the U.S.

Morrill's shop is a AAA Approved Auto Repair facility, Automotive Service Councils of California member, Automotive Service Association member, and a ASE Blue Seal shop. Additionally, Certified Automotive is a five-time AAA Quality Service Award winner.

Morrill is an ASE Master Technician, the past president and current board member of the local Automotive Service Councils of California (ASCCA) chapter, and one of the first 49 recipients of the AMI’s Accredited Master Automotive Manager (AMAM) degree. He is also very involved in his community, as he’s served as an automotive advisor, board member and adjunct professor for Citrus College, and is a past president and current board member of the Glendora Rotary Club.

Additionally, Morrill's shop regularly collects food and clothes for local children’s homes, and he has received both the Glendora Community Council Humanitarian Award and the Citrus College Distinguished Alumni Award.

“Gene was a member of Elite’s Pro Service Peer Group for many years, and from day one I was impressed with his abilities as a shop owner and with all that he does to give back to the industry and his community," said Bob Cooper, president of Elite. "I always dreamed that he’d one day coach with us, so am absolutely thrilled that he’ll be imparting his wisdom to Elite clients."

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