Yelp Introduces Question-and-Answer Feature

Feb. 28, 2017
This feature would give your customers the answers they need about businesses from other customers or, ideally, the actual business owner.

Feb. 28, 2017—Yelp is releasing a new feature that allows people to ask questions about businesses.

This feature, titled "Questions & Answers," gives customers the answers they need about businesses from other customers or, ideally, the actual business owner. Users can then upvote and downvote the answers based on how helpful they are, and they can also sign up for notifications whenever a specific question is answered.

"Questions & Answers" started as part of Yelp’s Hackathon project, a two-day event where the company’s engineers create innovative and out-of-the-box projects. The Q&A brings together the platform’s 115 million engaged reviewers and business owners so customers can get their questions answered with real-world experiences.

Yelp is adding more features to its platform, including analytics to give small businesses more tools to engage with their customers.

Here are a few Ratchet+Wrench stories that offer strategies for capitalizing on online reviews:

Keys to Online Customer ReviewsOnline reviews, and how you handle them, can make or break your shop’s reputation

Give ’em Something to Talk AboutUse online reviews to make your customers advocates of your business

How to Boost Google Reviews for Better SEOSix steps for getting customers to write reviews that will help your shop get noticed online

Finding Your Customers’ Online PulseFostering and organizing Web reviews and ratings is a critical step in marketing your shop

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