Luxury Asian Automakers Ready EVs for 2020

March 14, 2017
Several Asian luxury automakers are readying lines of electric vehicles for production by 2020, including Lexus, Acura, Infiniti and Hyundai.

March 14, 2017—Several Asian luxury automakers are readying lines of electric vehicles for production by 2020, including Lexus, Acura, Infiniti and Hyundai, according to Inside Evs

Hyundai said a Genesis electric vehicle will be in production just after 2020 as part of the automaker’s push to have at least three battery electric vehicles on the market by 2025.

Infiniti’s first electric vehicle, described as a "performance, luxury electric," will be out around 2020 and will use some tech borrowed from parent company Nissan.

Meanwhile, Acura’s approach to electric vehicles are that "the brand simply needs one in the lineup and said that Acura’s electric model will be innovative and unique, as that’s what the brand is all about."

Following the Paris Motor Show, Jeff Bracken, general manager of Lexus International, said the automaker “began conversations with our product planners” in regards to a future battery electric vehicles.

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