Border Adjustment Tax to Cost Car Owners $160 More Per Year

May 4, 2017

The Auto Care Association has expressed concern on the additional cost that the Border Adjustment Tax will bring to consumers. 

May 4, 2017—The Auto Care Association warned lawmakers on Wednesday that the proposed Border Adjustment Tax (BAT) on important would significantly increase auto repair and maintenance costs for the average car owner in the U.S.

“The Border Adjustment Tax will drive up auto repair costs to about $1,100 per year for car owners,” said Bill Hanvey, president and CEO, Auto Care Association. “This is also a highly regressive tax that will hit working families that hardest because they tend to drive older vehicles that will require more repair work and maintenance. The BAT will hurt middle class consumers and have a chilling effect on small businesses that conduct auto repair work and serve as a source of good-paying jobs in every community in the country. The Auto Care Association strongly urges Congress and the Trump Administration to reject this ill-conceived tax increase.”

For more information, email Paul Fiore.

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