Toyota Expands North American Research and Development

May 5, 2017
Three years ago, Toyota announced its plan to create more unified operations in North America with this $154 million expansion.

May 5, 2017—Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) expanded its Toyota Motor North American Research & Development Purchasing and Prototype Development centers in York Township, Mich.

Three years ago, Toyota announced its One Toyota plan to create more unified operations in North America with a $154 million expansion of the TMNA R&D centers.

“We are thrilled to celebrate our continued investment in Michigan, which contributes to our overall long-standing commitment to invest in America,” Jim Lentz, CEO of TMNA said. “Expanding the R&D campus in York Township is an incredible next step in Toyota’s journey in the United States.”

The TMNA R&D campus aims to showcase "sustainable, environmentally sensitive and state-of-the-art design, materials, features and efficiencies." The compnay says that commitment can be found through conservation measures, such as LED lighting, high-efficiency building shells and exterior landscaping using indigenous plans such as MIchigan strawberries. The TMNA R&D Supplier Center has applied for the new LEED Version 4. If approved, this will make the TMNA R&R Supplier Center the first LEED V4 Platinum building in MIchigan.

This expansion occured the same day TMNA celebrated the 40th anniversary of its North American research and development operations.

The celebration also served as a welcome to the newest executive leader to the TMNA R&D team, Shinichi Yasui. Yasui serves as Toyota engineering and manufacturing president, executive vice president of TMNA R&D and managing officer of Toyota Motor Corp.

“We now have a fully developed research and development operation in the heart of the auto industry in southeast Michigan, which will allow for deep collaboration between all departments, reinforcing commitment to One Toyota,” Yasui said. “I am excited to join the TMNA R&D team as we commemorate 40 years of engineering excellence here in Michigan.”

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