AACF to Host AAPEX/SEMA Golf Outing Fundraiser

May 10, 2017
The event will take place just off The Strip at the Las Vegas Country Club on Monday, Oct. 30. All proceeds help fund the foundation's work.

May 10, 2017—The Automotive Aftermarket Charitable Foundation (AACFI) will be hosting its annual All-Industry Golf Outing to kick-off Industry Week in Las Vegas prior to the start of the AAPEX/SEMA shows.

The event will take place just off The Strip at the Las Vegas Country Club on Monday, Oct. 30, 2017 with a "shotgun" start at 8:30am. All proceeds help fund the foundation's work.

"Due to increased awareness and expanded coverage into all facets of the aftermarket industry, the AACF is now helping record numbers of people in need, supporting more cases than ever before," stated a press release from AACFI. "But, as the mission grows and the far-reaching aid expands, so does the need for more contributions and support from our industry.

"This is the Foundation's single largest event of the year," said committee member Lynn Parker.

In addition to the golf tournament, the event also includes a continental breakfast and award luncheon just prior to and after the golf outing. There's also a pre-event reception, held October 29, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. also at the Las Vegas Country Club. There's also a chance to win a new car making a "hole in one" at select Par 3s. The golf outing and all event sponsorship opportunities are open to all industry participants. If you do not golf please still consider becoming an event sponsor.

To learn more about sponsoring at this event, simply go to the Foundation's website.

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