SMP to Crown Automotive 'Tech Star'

May 10, 2017
The company will reward one technician with his or her own YouTube channel through its Standard Tech Star Challenge.

May 10, 2017—Standard Motor Products (SMP) will reward one technician with his or her own YouTube channel through its Standard Tech Star Challenge.

Running through July 31, 2017, the promotion will award one lucky winner with a grand prize designed to supply everything needed to start an automotive-related YouTube channel.

How to Enter

The Standard Tech Star Challenge will award one lucky grand prize winner with everything needed to start their own automotive-related YouTube channel.

Contestants must upload a video of their best one-minute tech tip to YouTube and add the hashtag #StandardTechStar in the video description. The tech tip should be for an underhood repair. Members of SMP's acclaimed training department will select the winning tech tips.


The grand prize is an all-expense paid trip for two to SMP's training center in Irving, Texas, where the winner will record three install videos with SMP's Director of Training and YouTube Tech Star, Ryan Kooiman. The winner's videos will be posted to the Standard YouTube channel, which has over 3 million views and 4,000 subscribers. Plus, they'll receive $5,000 toward video equipment and automotive tools to start their own channel.

Additionally, two second prize winners will win $1,500 toward automotive tools and/or video equipment. Five third prize winners will win a GoPro Hero4 Black camera. The first 500 entries will receive a commemorative Standard cap.

Visit here for registration details.

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