Essential Business Reading: May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017

To better assist shop owners, Ratchet+Wrench has compiled a short list of important reading material from some of its favorite sources.

May 15, 2017—To better assist shop owners with their production management, marketing tactics and leadership styles, Ratchet+Wrench has compiled a short list of essential reading material from some of its favorite sources.

27 Things Truly Exceptional Bosses Do Every Day - Inc.

Ratchet+Wrench has written ad nauseum about the various leadership qualities that inspire your staff to carry out your vision each and every day. And while constantly evolving your leadership style might seem daunting, this Inc. article posits that these 27 easily implementable practices can seamlessly become part of your day with just a little practice.

Visual Communication Is Transforming Marketing--Are You Up To Speed? - Forbes

Ninety-one percent of buyers prefer interactive and visual content over traditional media. So, from advertising to branding to your shop's social media presence, using visual communication to "graphically represent information to efficiently and effectively create meaning" is becoming more important than ever, says Forbes.

Why Instagram May be Better Than Twitter for Reaching Your Customers - Small Business Trends

Instagram recently hit the 700 million user mark—that’s, if you can believe it, twice the size of Twitter. At this rate, Instagram will be at the one billion user mark in no time. And Small Business Trends is making the case that, despite Twitter's many advantages, Instagram has now become the ultimate way to form personal connections with customers.

Obsess Over Your Customers, Not Your RivalsHarvard Business Review

A common question business owners ask themselves is, "Who are my competitors?" However, what might be the much more important question, Harvard Business Review argues: "What is my competition?" So, when it comes down to it, empathizing with and helping customers should be your guide to marketing and branding—not your competitors.

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