Four Automakers Settle Takata Airbag Lawsuit For $553 Million

May 19, 2017
Toyota, Subaru, Mazda and BMW have reached a proposed settlement that would compensate owners of 15.8 million vehicles to the tune of $553 million for money they lost due to the Takata recall.

May 19, 2017—Toyota, Subaru, Mazda and BMW have reached a proposed settlement that would compensate owners of 15.8 million vehicles to the tune of $553 million for money they lost due to the massive recall of Takata airbags, according to the L.A. Times.

Takata's air bag inflators can explode with too much force, hurling shrapnel into drivers and passengers. The company pleaded guilty to the airbag scheme in February. The inflators are blamed for at least 16 deaths and 180 injuries worldwide. The problem touched off the largest automotive recall in U.S. history, involving 42 million vehicles and 69 million air bag inflators.

The settlement would compensate owners for things like lost wages or child care while they were taking their vehicle in for the recall repair. Owners could also be compensated if they paid for a rental car or for vehicle storage while they were waiting for a car to be repaired. Owners may also get payments of up to $500 each.

The settlement would also require the automakers to step up their efforts to locate owners and educate them about the need to complete the recall repairs. As of April 28, only 32 percent of Toyota owners, 31 percent of Subaru owners, 18 percent of Mazda owners and 16 percent of BMW owners affected by the recall had completed the repairs, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The settlement would also require automakers to provide free rental cars to owners of the highest-risk cars. U.S. safety regulators have determined that older cars are at the highest risk, since a chemical Takata used in its air bag inflators can break down over time.

The settlement affects 9.2 million Toyota vehicles, 2.6 million Subaru vehicles, 2.3 million BMW vehicles and 1.7 million Mazda vehicles. The recall affects vehicles as far back as the 2000 model year and as recent as the 2016 model year.

Toyota would pay the most under the settlement, at $278.5 million.

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