Report: The Future of Volvo's Electric and Automated Vehicles

May 23, 2017
Volvo is another major name joining the EV foray, having this week suggested it soon will stop making diesel cars and announced plans last month to launch its first fully electric passenger car.

May 23, 2017—For electric and low carbon vehicle advocates, the growing outcry over air pollution and its associated health impacts soon could create significant new markets, according to Green Biz. And while most manufacturers say their plans long have been in development, there is now a palpable sense of acceleration towards the goal of delivering electric mobility at scale in the world's cities.

Precipitated by the diesel emissions scandal which engulfed it in 2015, Volkswagen recently has unveiled a raft of electric and automated models, while U.S. carmaker Ford is investing $4.5 billion in developing 13 EV models by 2020. Tesla continues to dominate the headlines and pretty much every major automaker is investing in either plug-in or fuel cell electric vehicle development. 

Swedish carmaker Volvo is another major name joining the EV foray, having this week suggested itsoon will stop making diesel cars and announced plans last month to launch its first fully electric passenger car in China in 2019, a model that will add to a low emission range currently based around its Drive-E plug-in hybrid range.

Read the rest of the report on Green Biz.

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