Bolt On Releases Updates for Text Messaging

May 24, 2017
Bolt On’s "inbound photo texting" feature allows customers to send vehicle photos to shops so they can see and clarify their vehicle concerns and make decisions on how to proceed.

May 24, 2017—Bolt On Technology announced updates that enhance the two-way text messaging communication shops have with their customers.

Bolt On’s "inbound photo texting" feature allows customers to send vehicle photos to shops so they can see and clarify their vehicle concerns and make decisions on how to proceed. This is a free update that is available to all current Message Manager users.

In addition to that, Bolt On has created more options for shop owners when texting their customers. Mobile Manager Pro users now have the ability to text customers vehicle photos without an inspection report. Shops can simply take a picture, add text and draw on the photo, then send the photo directly to the vehicle owner.

Another highly anticipated update available to Mobile Manager Pro users is the shop’s ability to send service estimates to customers via text. This feature allows shops to get immediate authorizations on services with just a few taps of their fingers. At this time, this feature is available, for free, to Mitchell 1 Manager SE and Snap-on ShopKey SE users.

This update is currently only available for Mitchell 1 Manager SE and Snap-on ShopKey SE users.

For more information regarding any of these updates, schedule a live demonstration with a member of the Bolt On team.

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