Speakers Announced for Upcoming Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference

May 30, 2017

Two new speakers have been added to the Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference lineup. 

May 30, 2017—Bill Hill and Leigh Anne Best from Mighty Auto Pro in Medina, Ohio, have been added to the lineup of speakers for the 2017 Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference.

Hill has owned Mighty Auto Pro since 1997. When Hill purchased the business, the 17-bay facility was doing $500,000 in gross sales with a staff of five. Since taking over, Hill has grown the shop by adding to his staff and now turns just under $2 million in gross sales.  

Best has served as Might Auto Pro’s marketing director and customer service trainer for the last 12 years. Best, a former Ratchet+Wrench cover subject, is an expert in converting phone calls into dollars. Best is also the co-founder of Brakes for Breasts, an organization that raises money for breast cancer.

The two will deliver “Hiring Outside the Box" together. The session will provides steps for finding and hiring the right people to overcome a staff shortage. The second session, “Maximize Your Phone Dollars,” will be presented by Best and will give attendees tried and true methods for engaging customers over the phone and winning their business.

The Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference, scheduled from Sept. 24-26 in Chicago, will include educational sessions, deep-dive workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities all aimed at helping shop owners and managers make money, save money and work smarter. Conference sessions and speakers were pulled from the best Ratchet+Wrench magazine content from the last several years.

For more information, or to register, visit rwconference.com.  

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