Zubie, RepairPal Partner to Improve Telematics Experience

June 6, 2017
Through the integration with RepairPal, users of the Zubie app—fleet operators, consumers and automotive repair shops—will have access to what the "check engine light" is indicating and what action to take.

June 6, 2017—Zubie, a leading connected car platform and telematics provider, today took another step forward in delivering on the promise of the connected car, announcing its partnership with RepairPal.

Through the integration with RepairPal, users of the Zubie app—fleet operators, consumers and automotive repair shops—will have access to what the "check engine light" is indicating and what action to take. The app displays not only the cause of the warning light in simple language everyone can understand, but also the severity of the problem, and an estimated cost to fix.

The app includes a list of RepairPal Certified shops in the area, making it simpler to quickly schedule an appointment with a reliable, fair-priced repair shop. The RepairPal Certified network currently has nearly 2,000 shops nationwide. The app removes the unknown from dealing with car repairs, making it easier than ever for Zubie customers to manage their vehicle repairst.

"Together with RepairPal, we are bringing an unforeseen level of transparency to the service and repair experience for vehicle owners," said Zubie CEO Gary Tucker. "This is just one more way that Zubie is able to make driving safer and worry-free for all of our customers."

"Zubie's technology is able to link customers with the RepairPal Certified network, getting them the assistance they need, when they need it most," said Art Shaw, RepairPal CEO. "This is a powerful integration of leading technologies that can connect customers with a repair shop they can trust."

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