TechnaGlass, Big O Tires Partner for Colorado Location

June 9, 2017
With the combined services of TechnaGlass and Big O Tires, the store aims to become a “one-stop shop” for all auto and truck needs.

June 9, 2017—TechnaGlass, a regional leader in the automotive glass repair and replacement industry, announced it has partnered with Big O Tires to open a new retail location in Englewood, Colo.

With the combined services of TechnaGlass and Big O Tires, the store aims to become a “one-stop shop” for all auto and truck needs. Its services will include windshield repair and replacement, oil and lube, air conditioning repair, batteries, starters and alternators, shocks, struts, cooling systems, transmissions, steering and suspension, wheel alignment and brake repair, as well as the latest diagnostic and manufacturer schedule maintenance services.

Founded in 1962, Big O Tires has become North America's largest retail tire franchisor, with over 400 independently-owned and operated locations in 19 states and providing customers with a broad range of automotive services in addition to quality tires, wheels and accessories.

Now in its 26th year, TechnaGlass has grown from a small family-owned auto glass company to become one of the largest regional, auto glass repair and replacement companies in the United States. TechnaGlass uses OEM materials and adheres to AGRSS (Auto Glass Repair Safety Standard), which is the accepted industry benchmark.

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