Elon Musk: Tesla Superchargers Being Converted to Solar, Battery Power

June 12, 2017
Tesla wants its massive Supercharger network to run on solar power or batteries in order to disconnect from the electric grid, which is still largely powered by natural gas and coal.

June 12, 2017—Tesla wants its massive Supercharger network to run on solar power or batteries in order to disconnect from the electric grid, which is still largely powered by natural gas and coal, according to Business Insider.

Musk said on Twitter that Tesla is currently installing solar panels and batteries at its Supercharger stations as part of that goal.

"All Superchargers are being converted to solar/battery power," Musk said. "Over time, almost all will disconnect from the electricity grid."

Tesla's network of Superchargers, which is set to double in number by the end of this year, can restore 170 miles of range in just 30 minutes, making it one of Tesla's biggest customer perks.

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