Detroit Auto Repair Training Center for Unemployed Receives $135K Grant

Sept. 7, 2017
Vehicles for Change Detroit received a $135,000 grant to expand their Full Circle Auto Repair and Training Center in Detroit. The grant will support more people in the automotive training program that provides unemployed and underemployed Detroiters the opportunity to receive paid training and hands-on experience.

Sept. 7, 2017—Vehicles for Change Detroit, a nonprofit organization that addresses transportation issues, received a grant of $135,000 from the Margaret Dunning Foundation to expand their Full Circle Auto Repair and Training Center in Detroit. The grant will support more people in the automotive training program that provides unemployed and underemployed Detroiters the opportunity to receive paid training and hands-on experience.

Full Circle Detroit also offers the local community discounted automotive services. The garage is open to the public and serviced by program trainees under supervision of master mechanics with the goal of transitioning them to unsubsidized employment. Funds generated from the social enterprise help support their mission to empower families with financial challenges to achieve economic and personal independence through car ownership and technical training.

“We are thrilled to receive this grant from the Margaret Dunning Foundation and look forward to furthering our impact on Detroit," Vehicles for Change president Martin Schwartz said.

VFC Detroit is a subsidiary of Vehicles for Change, Inc., which has been operating in Baltimore, Maryland since 1999.

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