Auto Parts Warehouse Donates Space to Toys for Tots

Nov. 13, 2017
Without a warehouse as a home for “Toys for Tots,” the mid-South program had no choice but to start turning away toy donations. As the weeks went on, the organization reached out to their local community for help.

Nov. 13, 2017—Premium Guard Inc. (PGI), a global sourcing platform for automotive replacement parts, provided “Toys for Tots” with warehouse space to store donations.

The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s “Toys for Tots” risked having to cancel this year’s program for the Memphis area after losing its warehouse.

The organization gifts new toys to less fortunate children during the holiday season. The “Toys for Tots” mid-South program serves 22 counties across Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi.

“Toys for Tots did not have the funds needed to lease or rent a warehouse space,” explained program coordinator, Carrol Howard.

Without a warehouse as a home for “Toys for Tots,” the mid-South program had no choice but to start turning away toy donations. As the weeks went on, the organization reached out to their local community for help.

PGI stepped in and donated a 82,500-square-foot space in its warehouse in Olive Branch, Miss., just in time for the holiday season.

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