Ford Orders 2,900 Ranger Pickup Owners to Replace Takata Air Bags

Jan. 12, 2018
Ford and federal regulators are telling 2,900 owners of certain 2006 Ford Rangers to stop driving them and dispatching dealers to replace the trucks' Takata air bag inflators.

Jan. 12, 2018—Ford and federal regulators are telling 2,900 owners of certain 2006 Ford Rangers to stop driving them and dispatching dealers to replace the trucks' Takata air bag inflators, the Detroit Free Press reports.

The company confirmed that a defective inflator ruptured and killed a customer last July in West Virginia. Ford and federal regulators are telling 2,900 owners of certain 2006 Ford Rangers to stop driving them and dispatching dealers to replace the trucks' Takata air bag inflators after the company confirmed that a defective inflator ruptured and killed a customer last July in West Virginia.

At least 21 deaths worldwide are believed linked to the Takata inflators that are the cause of the largest recall in automotive history.

Owners of 2006 Rangers covered by the stop-drive order who have not been notified yet by Ford can go to to find out if their vehicle is under recall.

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