WhyteSpyder Reveals New Development Process for Creating Sales Strategies

March 15, 2018
Northwest Arkansas ecommerce firm WhyteSpyder announced today the launch of their new service for helping online retailers develop and execute an online sales strategy called the Item Page Sales Strategy, or IPSS.

March 15, 2018—Northwest Arkansas ecommerce firm WhyteSpyder announced today the launch of their new service for helping online retailers develop and execute an online sales strategy called the Item Page Sales Strategy, or IPSS.

The release of this offering will benefit online retail suppliers by providing a researched and reliable plan to set up online item pages.

The IPSS process seeks to drive traffic and conversions at the item level, and was developed by ecommerce professionals at WhyteSpyder after recognizing clients’ lack of a formal process and strategy. Clients who utilize IPSS receive insights into the shopping behavior of prospective customers, enabling them to optimize their item detail pages.

“We started to recognize that our clients really needed help developing a sales strategy,” said Eric Howerton, CEO of WhyteSpyder. “IPSS will help our clients uncover insights about their products, such as what shoppers are searching for to find products similar to theirs, and how competitors are setting up their item pages. Our clients can reference these insights to construct an item page that’s in sync with what shoppers are searching for.”

Combining human processes with technology, WhyteSpyder’s team of strategists scrub multiple platforms and branded sites to uncover keywords and long tail keyword phrases that drive relevant traffic to your page, as well as provide recommendations for media inclusions such as photos, videos, and rich media content.

“We analyze ratings and reviews, Facebook comments, product forums, and more to see what people are really saying about the product,” said Dale Treece, Director of VP of UX, Insights & Analytics. “We can get a really accurate picture of how people view the products by looking at sites where people really tell it how it is.”

Users also receive a personalized presentation from WhyteSpyder’s team with the suggested steps and costs for the execution of the strategy.

“WhyteSpyder’s IPSS is one of the most valuable services in the market,” said Howerton. “We really investigate your item and the space it’s in to deliver a SWOT analysis showing areas you need to improve on, plus research on competitor pages and their content strategies, styles, and formats.”

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