Hofmann Releases New geoliner 360 Wheel Aligner

March 27, 2018
The geoliner 360 features quick access to vehicle history, a VIN scanner accessory and an automatic process that constantly monitors vehicle alignment.

March 27, 2018—Hofmann has released its new geoliner 630 wheel aligner.

“The Hofmann geoliner 630 is simple to operate, has a much faster setup time and provides much quicker measurement times, so more alignment jobs can be completed during the course of a day,” said Adam Brown, product manager for Hofmann. “Because of the ongoing support and training Hofmann provides to its customers, shops will be able to optimize the efficiency of their geoliner 630, enhancing productivity and customer loyalty.”

The new geoliner 630 features benefits unique to Hofmann, including:

A next generation user interface, featuring intelligent predictive alignment flow, the geoliner 630 allows for quick access to vehicle history from the home screen. It also includes a new graphic adjustment screen that makes it easy to use.

A VIN scanner accessory, which is an optional unique feature allows users to automatically start the alignment process, quickly select the VIN number and rapidly access history using the easy-to-navigate graphic display on the home screen.

A compensation warn alert, an automatic process that constantly monitors the alignment, provides critical information to make sure the job is done correctly, and detects common environmental conditions and vehicle problems that could result in maladjustment.

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