U.S. National Transportation Safety Board Investigates Calif. Tesla Crash

March 27, 2018
It was unclear if Tesla’s automated control system was driving the car at the time of the accident.

March 28, 2018—A fatal crash and vehicle fire of a Tesla Model X last week prompted a federal field investigation, Reuters reported.

The crash occurred near Mountain View, California, and prompted the U.S National Transportation Safety Board to investigate.

It was unclear if Tesla’s automated control system was driving the car at the time of the accident, which killed the 38-year-old Tesla driver and involved two other cars, the NTSB and police said. Tesla vehicles have a system called Autopilot that handles some driving tasks, according to the report.

Government scrutiny of the Palo Alto, California company is mounting. This is the second NTSB field investigation into a Tesla crash since January.

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