US Auto Sales See June Increase

July 3, 2018
Consumers bought about 2.1 percent more vehicles for the month than a year earlier, according to Cox Automotive analysts. The stronger-than-expected first half caused Cox Automotive to increase its full-year sales forecast from 16.7 million vehicles to 16.8 million.
July 3, 2018—U.S. auto sales likely ticked upward slightly in June, compared with a year earlier, USA Today reports.

Consumers bought about 2.1 percent more vehicles for the month than a year earlier, according to Cox Automotive analysts. The stronger-than-expected first half caused Cox Automotive to increase its full-year sales forecast from 16.7 million vehicles to 16.8 million.

That would still mark a decline from last year's 17.2 million but would reflect a healthy and largely profitable rate for most automakers.

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