Kukui Joins Garage Rehab in Season 2

Aug. 16, 2018

Kukui joined Richard Rawlings and crew for the second season of the hit Discovery Channel program Garage Rehab. Kukui supports the shop featured in each episode with a new website designed to help them revitalize their marketing efforts.

August 16, 2018—Kukui Corporation joined Richard Rawlings and crew for the second season of the hit Discovery Channel program Garage Rahab. Kukui supports the auto repair shop featured in each episode with a new website designed to help them revitalize their marketing efforts.

In the Garage Rehab series, Richard Rawlings and his team travel the country to find struggling shops that need help. In each episode, Rawlings takes over an auto care shop, making all decisions for the business as he works to revamp and revitalize the enterprise using his entrepreneurial savvy, deep knowledge of the auto industry and marketing skills to transform the struggling garages into profitable businesses.

“We just wrapped Garage Rehab season two and I can't wait for the premiere in September,” said Richard Rawlings. “When I invest in a garage, not only do we rehab the shop, we also rehab the shops marketing with a new high-end website built by Kukui. If I’m working hard to rehab the garage, I want people to know about it. Kukui makes it happen. If you run a garage and don't have a website check them out.”

Kukui’s mission is to enable auto repair shops to succeed with the tools and support they need, allowing shops owners to focus on doing what they do best. With over a decade of success focusing specifically on the auto repair industry, Kukui brings cutting-edge technologies that consistently deliver results. From dynamic websites designed to attract the most profitable clients to a comprehensive dashboard offering advanced metrics showing your online success in an intuitive easy to use format.  In the Garage Rehab project, shops start with a custom branded website and Kukui works with them after the show to continue improving their marketing efforts.

“The entire Kukui team worked very hard for this. I am humbled and grateful to have been part of this program,” said Todd Westerlund, CEO of Kukui. “Beyond the excitement of being part of this amazing series, the notion of helping to revitalize a struggling shop falls right in line with Kukui’s primary objective of helping shops achieve success.  We are really looking forward to watching each of these shops grow and exceed even their own expectations. I am really looking forward to Season 2 and beyond ”

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