Dickinson Fleet Services Acquires Diesel Minnesota

Feb. 16, 2021
Diesel Minnesota marks Dickinson's eleventh acquisition since 2017.

Feb. 16, 2021—Dickinson Fleet Services (DFS) has officially acquired Diesel Minnesota (DMI), the company announced in a press release. 

The acquisition will allow DFS, a nationwide fleet service provider, to expand its services in the Minneapolis market. Diesel Minnesota marks Dickinson's eleventh acquisition since 2017. Under the ownership of Cox Automotive, DFS continues to pursue additional acquisition targets across North America.

"We are very excited to welcome Diesel Minnesota into the Dickinson family," Ted Coltrain, executive officer at DFS, said in a statement. "DMI has built a strong reputation in the Minneapolis area for providing high-quality, customer-focused repair services in its local Minneapolis community. This strong reputation will allow us to better serve our existing customers in the region and allow us to better service DMI customers across the nation."

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The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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