Constellation Acquires R.O. Writer Platform

Feb. 19, 2021

With the acquisition, TBC Corporation will renew its focus on its core operating areas in wholesale, franchise stores, and company-owned retail stores.

Constellation R.O. Writer, which is part of the Perseus operating group of Constellation Software Inc., has acquired TBC Corporations’s R.O. Writer business, a shop management software provider for franchise and independent auto repair shops, the companies announced in a joint press release. 

TBC will renew its focus on its core operating areas (wholesale, franchise stores and company-owned retail stores), handing over the R.O. Writer business to Constellation Software Inc.

“We’re confident that Constellation is the right organization to take the R.O. Writer platform to the next level for its large customer base of Midas franchisees as well as fellow leaders in the automotive aftermarket industry,” Erik R. Olsen, president & CEO of TBC Corporation, said in a statement.

“Constellation’s proven track record of providing customers with quality software solutions focused on helping customers meet and often exceed their objectives coupled with the potential of the R.O. Writer platform with developments just over the horizon makes this a very exciting time for the business and for all parties involved.”

The R.O. Writer business will continue to support and enhance the R.O. Writer family of products for retail customers and Midas franchises.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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