Samaritan Car Clinic Receives 25k In Grant Funding

Feb. 22, 2021
The funds will go towards car repairs for people who are experiencing COVID-19 related economic challenges.

Feb. 22, 2021—Samaritan Car Clinic, a Kentucky-based charity that helps people with car challenges, was awarded a $15,000 grant from the Greater Cincinnati Foundation. This comes a week after the organization received $10,000 from the Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky, the River City News reported.

The funds will go towards car repairs for people who are experiencing COVID-19 related economic challenges, the clinic said, which has provided free car repair in the Covington, Ky. area since 2007. 

“This grant came at a great time,” Samaritan Car Care Clinic Director Bruce Kintner told the publication. “Requests for help continue to  exceed the Clinic’s resources. Many of those requests are because people were furloughed, or had hours cut back, due to COVID related restrictions. They want to work, but often can’t find employment, and now face setbacks trying to maintain their cars. And for many, without a car, they can’t search for a new job.” 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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