Virginia Passes Clean Cars Bill

March 24, 2021
Auto manufacturers will be required to increase the average fuel-efficiency of cars sold in the state and to deliver an increasing percentage of zero-emission electric vehicles.

March 24, 2021—Virginia has accelerated its push for clean transportation with the signing of stricter emissions standards, the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) reported. 

The Clean Cars bill will require auto manufacturers to increase the average fuel-efficiency of cars sold in Virginia and to deliver an increasing percentage of zero-emission electric vehicles. It will result in a greater reduction of carbon pollution than any other step the state has taken. 

Legislation also passed providing for an EV purchase rebate bill that is among the most progressive in the country, providing rebates for used as well as new vehicles and a greater incentive for low and moderate income buyers.

“Transportation is the largest source of carbon pollution in Virginia,” said SELC Land & Community Program leader Trip Pollard. “The provisions adopted this year accelerate Virginia’s move towards a clean transportation future, which is better for our health, better for our families, and better for our climate.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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