Industry Experts Worried About Auto Jobs

April 7, 2021
Biden’s proposal includes $174 billion for electric vehicles, including hundreds of thousands of charging stations, tax incentives for electric cars, and government fleets that are all electric. 

April 7, 2021—Even with billions of dollars earmarked for transportation-related projects Industry experts believe the transition to electrical vehicles and Biden’s infrastructure plan will lead to fewer manufacturing and maintenance jobs, NBC News reported. 

“Workers will disproportionately suffer if we do not make the transition to a green economy in the right way,” said Rory Gamble, president of the United Auto Workers Union, in a statement released on Wednesday after Biden unveiled his infrastructure plan.

We need to ensure that this transition is stable, reliable and creates quality union wage jobs and flexible to market demand not relying on a one-size fits all solution," Gamble added. 

Biden’s proposal includes $174 billion for electric vehicles, including hundreds of thousands of charging stations, tax incentives for electric cars, and government fleets that are all electric. 

It is uncertain how many jobs or just how much of an impact it would have on the manufacturing and maintenance industry, the report said. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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